This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This com- munication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Good practice indicators  

(WP2 - Research)

University Complutense of Madrid has elaborated good practice indicators, to be used by organization, associations,  and proffesionals that want to develop and implement a workshop with migrants through art activities.  This document is divided in the following items:

  • -Ethical guidelines of the project
  • -Staff in charge
  • -Information transmission
  • -Evaluation of proposals and sustainability
  • -Social dimension of the proposals: goals
  • -Qualification of the field
  • -Impact and scope
  • -Confidentiality
  • -Art and cultural reformulation
  • -Innovation



Good practices

Each organization, following the Good practice indicators has collected several good practices with migrants through art that can serve as an example of interventions with migrants through arts and stars a new thesaurus of interesting and recommendable practices in Europe.
