This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This com- munication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Assessment of the impact of the sessions

1/ Assessment of the impact of the sessions
Level 1 Part A: using a pre and post questionnaire.  
Key methodological issues:

- The questionnaire is self-filling, to reduce the biases coming from the presence of an ‘external authority

- It is confidential: participants and questionnaires cannot be connected

- The same questionnaire should be applied to participants with AND without migration experience

- Two versions to chose from according to the education level / culture / predisposition of the participants (chose 1 for the whole group):

  • A more visual / playful version
  • A text version

-  If the participants are mainly from one / two language groups please translate the questionnaire or use a translator
-  The person in charge of the research should be a colleague independent to the pilot sessions (not the artist, not the main facilitator involved in the process)
-  If you feel using the pre-test questionnaire creates irremediable biases in your sessions, do not use it.
See questionnaire in annex 2.

Level 1 Part B: two case studies
Submitting two case studies done with participants (of preference members of the primary target group=migrants) with any methodology of your choice. Output: approx 5-10 pages with pictures / case study.

Options (not exhaustive):
a)    Interview at the beginning, middle and after the sessions
b)    Observation of the process of engagement in the activities (through art work, body, speech etc.)
c)    Methods integrated in the art process
d)    Own narrative: inviting participants to write a text on their participation, the process of their participation

a) Key methodological issues for interviews:
The interviews include questions which provide:
-    information and knowledge
-     values and preferences (what they like and what not)
-     opinions and perceptions (what they think).
They should not be targeted by the researcher but to have normal flow
Different types of interviews:
-    Unstructured interviews:  the researcher presents the general context and participants guide the interview.
-    Semi-structured interviews: the researcher is free to change the order or the formulation of questions according to the flow of discussion.
-     Repetitive interviews: as a feedback
Succession of questions:
-    Introduction, explanation of the interview’s purpose, permission for recording
-    “Warming”: simple and friendly questions
-     Basic questions
-     Close : acknowledgements, update for future interview
Attitudes to adopt:
-     Positive attitude, genuine curiosity towards interviewee
-     Active listening
-     Repetition, rephrasing to rebound, continue the flow

See example semi-structured interview guide proposed by Osmosis in Annex 4
Example for semi-structured interview focusing on adaptation in Annex 5.

b) Key methodological issues for observation:
-  Open observation: The researcher records the events as they happen and during the time they happen, she takes complete and exhaustive notes and she also notes her own impressions
-  You can also use the observation grid proposed by Marian’s team.

c) Some methodological issues for integrating assessment into the art process:
Proposing tasks during the sessions which reflect on the indicators, in order to diagnose the condition of the participants at the beginning and at the end of the process. (For example “design your identity onion” “draw your life map” “draw your group of friends”, make a self-portrait”, “make a frozen image of your feelings right now” “create a short scene of a problem you encounter” “draw/take photos/interviews of your neighbors ”.)

d) Some methodological issues for using own narratives:
-  inviting participants to write a text on their participation, the process of their participation
-  Biographies (written) where the participants are free to retrieve their experiences OR “life maps” (drawn)